Download the Ultimate Home Buying Guide Norway from Boligdama, Trude Larsen 

Home buying advisor and blogger  

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This booklet aims to provide you with essential knowledge about home buying in Norway, enabling you to determine if this opportunity aligns with your goals. You will learn about how the home buying process works in Norway, how to assess your options, and how to get started with the buying proces


About me

My name is Trude Larsen, and I have over 40 years of experience working in housing. My background includes housing management, real estate, and the development and sale of new homes. I am a trained real estate agent but work exclusively as a buyer's representative.

In 2016, I began advising home buyers and established my own business "Boligdama" I discovered that there is significant frustration in the market: buyers simply receive far too little help and care during the buying process. Many people feel that the broker is primarily the seller’s representative. With my business, I aim to create greater balance in the real estate market in Norway


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